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We need a federal focus on road safety


Our failing road safety strategy

In 2011, all Australian governments signed on to a 10-year plan to improve road safety, reduce crashes and save lives.

AAA analysis shows that this National Road Safety Strategy is failing to meet the majority of its targets, including progress towards a reduction of road deaths by 30 per cent by 2020. Only four of 33 safety performance indicators are on track after seven years of the strategy. Alarmingly, a number of indicators have no way to be measured, and some even failed to have specific targets in place at all.

Take action


In order to save lives, the AAA is calling on the Federal Government to take a more serious approach to the strategy.

There are practical steps that can be taken:

  • Ensure a national body is responsible for the safety strategy by reinstating a Federal Office of Road Safety
  • Remove taxes that are slowing the introduction of car safety technologies into Australia, making them more affordable.
  • You can help by signing this petition to ask your local Member of Parliament to focus on safety and reduce the appalling number of road fatalities.

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